Thursday, October 30, 2014

Your words Your actions

Your words Your actions

We do talk almost everyday, buying food, picking up a phone call, greeting the cashier....
Our days are made of sentences, confirmations, judgements...but our words are first imaged in our mind as thoughts...

We become our words

We are getting ready for the day, we wash ourselves, look into the mirror and saying "Look what a face..."
Our negative thought doesn't leave us, we drive the car and still thinking "I cannot work like that, look...I am horrible"... 
We start working, we want to bring this day to an end...something bad happens "here we go I knew that!!"
What's wrong with you? Can you recognize it?
Oh yes my s..t day.....our Western culture made us thinking "ACTION-REACTION" but this is wrong!
YOU make YOUR day...YOU make your ACTION...they are made of WORDS, which are made of THOUGHTS..

Being positive as an attitude

It is easier than you think about, what we need is to replace bad with good.
It doesn't mean I am fantastic, but I can do good things, did you start driving in the highway or in your town streets?
STEP by STEP should be our new goal, today I feel (THINK) bad but tomorrow I will try my best (expactation without disappointment) to feel (THINK) better.
Never forget life is an ongoing fight.

You are now acting good, will you keep doing good actions for yourself?

Monday, October 27, 2014

Do you know yourself?

Do you know yourself?

We wake up everyday and we look at our face, tons of different feelings, ideas coming in few seconds... it means that our idea flows and changes.
Problems use to come when we fix our words, better, when we cannot forgive ourselves.

Thoughts before words

Have you ever said: "first think than talk", this is how our brain works.. it is easy.
Your thoughts make your words, I say what I think .
We say what we really think, if we don't say it our body our eyes , something let other people before or after to find it out.
When we lie, we are thnking to lie, same happens if we are saying the truth...
Question is: why should I choose MY lie and not MY truth?
Yeah, it is like that...we say what we think, do you remember it?
What we say is our word, we own ours lies or truth then... easier, we choose what we want to own...this will make our words....

Where are our WORDS taking us to???

Who do you think you are?? T. Robbins

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Firts not the last


Welcome on board!!!
Thanks for visiting y new page, let's say my new life concept.

FIRST NOT THE LAST post you will find here..happiness as a choice will drive you in a new life challenge MINE - OURS.

See inside to be outside...our thoughts make our days and our days make our lives, as a chain, my life makes yours too.


Don't wait to be positive it is for free!!! happiness is for free!!

New posts coming soon 

“Don't ask the world to change first.” 
― Anthony de MelloAwareness