Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Positive Magnet

Positive Magnet

“Of all the judgments we pass in life, none is more important than the judgment we pass on ourselves.” 
― Nathaniel Branden

Today was not the best day of my working life, everything seemed to go wrong...
When you work in sales, it is very easy to destroy your day, following to the rules I try to apply to my everyday life:

Though = Words
Words= Actions
Actions= Feelings

People feels immediately what you are feeling, let's see this example:

Today I called a customer, I had a very positive feeling when I heard him the first time, my brain was expecting something good... I showed him all my cards but he didn't want to play at all...
First rule in sales is to listen to what customer says and give him what he really wants...
It may happen that customer is not interested in what you are offering, even if you ask all the questions you can ...NO WAY.
This is normal, the more you try the more you this case I got bit down...this is not good...
Next call was even worse...this time customer chose our competitor because they had better deal....
I really got down and I felt lost....which is not good at all...

3 rules were working: Bad Thought = bad words to myself --> Bad Words=Bad actions--> Bad Actions= Bad Feelings --> BAD FEELINGS=BAD JUDGMENT.


It means that in few minutes the idea I had of myself completely changed, from VERY GOOD to VERY BAD.
We need to be able to manage this feeling, BEING A POSITIVE MAGNET means to attract what good feelings you can generate from your heart.

How can we be a positive magnet?

1) Today is a great day:  2 phone calls cannot make your day...remember you are the manager of your day!! Think about the more you try the more you get, one customer lost =  10 potential customers found, JUST KEEP ON!!

2) Your mistake = Your lesson: Try to think about how much you learnt from your cannot be a good sales man, a good man, a good father or whatelse without making mistakes, MISTAKES ARE THE BEST LESSONS FOR OUR LIFE!! Being thankful for this magic thing!!

3)Being positive as a choice:  You chose to be happy, because it is free, it makes you feel better...if you let bad thoughts or experiences to lead yourself, you will never know yourself till the end.
You are your day, your life, your decide where to take your sould and your spirit everyday....Choose a great place then!!!HAPPY PLACE!!

4)Doubt of yourself, you will be a better person:  There is nothing wrong to doubt of ourself, our thoughts... you can ask yourself, you can discover the reason why you doubt of yourself...MOST IMPORTANT YOU CAN START CHANGING!!! Our life is an ongoing movement, if you stand and wait how can you receive soemthing? You produce what you get, nobody can be a complete person without experienceing the doubt option...You will go through it and you will be stronger!!

5)Never give up!!!  We are warrior of the light, we need to keep our light switched on even when we are down or our energy is low...DON'T LET OTHERS TAKE YOUR ENERGIES!!! Be the change you want to see!!!

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