Monday, December 29, 2014

New Year, New Energy

New Year, New Energy

2014 will end in 2 days... 365 days gone in few minutes, drinks, talks...
This is how our life goes, like everyday... my year was quiet full, I travelled a lot, saw many places around the Globe, met many people too...I changed my job, my life style as well...
Somebody would say that, it is extraordinary, I say this is normal.

Changing should be our daily duty, there are even animals changing their skin colours, why is this so hard for us to do it?

We have to change, to improve everyday of our life, this is our main goal!!

Let's go back to our year is not ended yet, my holidays are going faster than ever, maybe this year I am spending one week more and finally I am choosing what to do!!!
Choosing what we want... that's hilarious, isn't it?
I am not meaning that things were not decided by myself before, I am meaning that I choose what I think now!! 
I promise to myself on June that I must be myself totally, no more shaking hands with smiles while my heart is more!
Yeah, maybe somebody doesn't accept how I am, but who cares?

Why are we living here? Are we living to make others happy or to make ourself bit happy too??
How can I make you happy if I am not?

I changed my energy, actually I manage my energy or I try to do it! It works better, trust me!!
People loves to see you simling, and being honest with them..there is something inside ourself and this part feels when positive and honest energies are coming to takes time but you will feel it...
Few months ago I was not so well treated...beginning was hard to accept but after few months I felt was a very important lesson to me, things never happen without a reason...
We need to listen very well to messages coming to us from everyone... especially from our soul...
Our soul needs to be close to us... we don't have so much time for it during our day...which is not good!!!
We leave it on a side...we then feel bad day by day...because our soul should be fed by us, by our positive energy...
Year 2015 is coming...few days and the New Year will knock our door....

My suggestion is to dedicate more time to our soul.... listen to it... it moves the World especially the World inside you... Feed it and try to manage its never lies to you..

I will try to give more time to it, my soul should be my best friend... our spirit is connected to it and they both need energy, our energy!

Believe in what you think, in what you feel, something inside you is pushing you out!!
Come out my friend, embrace your year with power and love!! It  will be your year!!

New Year, New Energy!

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

17 Rules to live better

Best way to start new year is to keep positive and refresh our minds...
I suggest everyone to read the 17 rules to live written by Og Mandino, they are never too old!

Og Mandino - 17 rules to live by

1. Count your blessings. Once you realize how valuable you are and how much you have going for you, the smiles will return, the sun will break out, the music will play, and you will finally be able to move forward toward the life that God intended for you... with grace, strength courage and confidence.

2. Today and everyday, deliver more than you are getting paid to do. The victory of success will be half won when you learn the secret of putting out more than is expected in all that you do. Make yourself so valuable in your work that eventually you will become indispensable. Exercise your privilege to go the extra mile, and enjoy all the rewards you receive. You deserve them!

3. Whenever you make a mistake or get knocked down by life, don't look back at it too long. Mistakes are life's way of teaching you. Your capacity for occasional blunders is inseparable from your capacity to reach your goals. No one wins them all, and your failures, when they happen, are just part of your growth. Shake off your blunders. How will you know your limits without an occasional failure? Never quit. Your turn will come.

4. Always reward your long hours of labor and toil in the very best way, surrounded by your family. Nurture their love carefully, remembering that your children need models, not critics, and your own progress will hasten when you constantly strive to present your best side to your children. And even if you have failed at all else in the eyes of the world, if you have a loving family, you are a success.

5. Build this day on the foundation of pleasant thoughts. Never fret at any imperfections that you fear may impede your progress. Remind yourself, as often as necessary, that you are a creature of God and have the power to achieve any dream by lifting up your thoughts. You can fly when you decide that you can. Never consider defeat again. Let the vision in your heart be in your life's blueprint. Smile!

6. Let your actions speak for you, but be forever on guard against the terrible traps of false pride and conceit that can halt your progress. The next time you are tempted to boast, just place your fist in a full pail of water, and when you remove it, the hole remaining will give you a correct measure of your importance.

7. Each day is a special gift from God, and while life may not always be fair, you must never allow the pains, hurdles and handicaps of the moment to poison your attitude and plans for yourself and your future. You can never win when you wear the ugly cloak of self-pity, and the sour sound of whining will certainly frighten away any opportunity for success. Never again. There is a better way.

8. Never again clutter you days or nights with so many menial and unimportant things that you have no time to accept a real challenge when it comes along. This applies to play as well as work. A DAY MERELY SURVIVED IS NO CAUSE FOR CELEBRATION. You are not here to fritter away your precious hours when you have the ability to accomplish so much by making a slight change in your routine. No more busywork. No more hiding from success. Leave time, leave space, to grow. Now! This is your day!

9. Live this day as if it will be your last. Remember that you will only find "tomorrow" on the calendars of fools. Forget yesterday's defeats, and ignore the problems of tomorrow. This is it. Doomsday. All you have. Make it the best day of your year. The saddest words you can ever utter are, "If I had my life to live over again..." Take the baton, now. Run with it! This is your day!

10. Beginning today, treat everyone you meet, friend or foe, loved one or stranger, as if they were going to be dead at midnight. Extend to each person, no matter how trivial the contact, all the care and kindness and understanding and love that you can muster, and do it with no thought of any reward. Your live will never be the same.

11. Laugh at yourself and at life. Not in the spirit of derision or whining self-pity, but as a remedy, a miracle drug, that will ease your pain, cure your depression, and help you to put in perspective that seemingly terrible defeat of the moment. Banish tension and concern and worry with laughter at your predicaments, thus freeing your mind to think clearly toward the solution that is certain to come. Never take yourself to seriously.

12. Never neglect the little things. Never skimp on the extra effort, that additional few minutes, that soft word of praise or thanks, that delivery of the very best that you can do. It does not matter what others think, it is of prime importance, however, what you think about you. You can never do your best, which should be your trademark, if you are cutting corners and shirking responsibilities. You are special. Act it. Never neglect the little things!

13. Welcome every morning with a smile. Look on the new day as another special gift from your Creator, another golden opportunity to complete what you were unable to finish yesterday. Be a self-starter. Let your first hour set the theme of success and positive action that is certain to echo through your entire day. Today will never happen again. Don't waste it with a false start or no start at all. You were not born to fail.

14. You will achieve your grand dream, a day at a time, so set goals for each day - not long and difficult projects, but chores that will take you, step by step, toward your rainbow. Write them down, if you must, but limit your list so that you won't have to drag today's undone matters into tomorrow. Remember that you cannot build your pyramid in twenty-four hours. Be patient. Never allow your day to become so cluttered that you neglect your most important goal - to do the best you can, enjoy this day, and rest satisfied with what you have accomplished.

15. Never allow anyone to rain on your parade and thus cast a pall of gloom and defeat on the entire day. Remember that no talent, no self-denial, no brains, no character, are required to set up in the fault-finding business. Nothing external can have any power over you unless you permit it. Your time is too precious to be sacrificed in wasted days combating in menial forces of hate, jealousy, and envy. Guard your fragile life carefully. Only God can shape a flower, but any foolish child can pull it to pieces.

16. Search for the seed of good in every adversity. Master the principle and you will own a precious shield that will guard you well though all the darkest valleys you must traverse. Stars may be from the bottom of a deep well, when they cannot be discerned from the mountaintop. So will you learn things in adversity that you would never have discovered without trouble. There is always a seed of good. Find it and prosper.

17. Realize that true happiness lies within you. Waste no time and effort searching for peace and contentment and joy in the world outside. Remember that there is no happiness in having or in getting, but only in giving. Reach out. Share. Smile. Hug. Happiness is a perfume you cannot pour on others without getting a few drops on yourself.

Merry Christmas to everyone!!!
Thanks for reading

Monday, December 15, 2014

Timing yourself

Timing yourself

“The right thing at the wrong tme is the wrong thing.” 
― Joshua HarrisI Kissed Dating Goodbye: A New Attitude Toward Relationships and Romance

Time has become one of the most important things in our daily life, we need it to plan our day, to visit a friend, to pick up the phone, to text back to our lover...everything is based upon time...
Biggest problem is that we waste most of it...we come back home, switch on TV and get addicted to... Let’s relax 10 mins..take it easy....we open a bottle of beer and enjoy it in front of a football match...time goes and our plans too!!
This is how our day goes... We cannot even realize that, but we are already laying on our bed and turning off our last light...that’s it!

How many things are you doing in one day?

I suggest you to write your daily activities down.... Waking up at 7.00 am., washing my face, having a quick breakfast, walking down the stairs and driving to work...
Lunch time, driving back home or to restaurant, having some food and a quick chat, than back to work again....
6-7.00 p.m. Driving back home, quick dinner and TV, than sleeping..
OK, OK in between you have been once in the Gym, once by our friend, twice making love... 
Look at your life.... Your job took just 8 hours....1/3 of your day....8 hours for sleeping... 
What are you doing with 8 hours left???
You are wasting them, even if you are slow and eating in 40 minutes... 6.30 hours left!!!

How can we turn our “unuseful time” in useful one?

1)Write down what you would like to do: sports, place to visit, subject to learn, extra activity. Please keep on mind that, what you think is what you are going to be

2) Use Kaizen way: It is a Japanese way of thinking... it simple explains to do things step by step, if you would like to run for a long distance, you need to start first walking properly...continual improvement...

3)Leave your car and mobile devices: I always walk to the restaurant or just park the car and go to walk to a quiet park in the nature carrying my pocket lunch homemade.
Doing this you cannot complain, you are doing a bit of exercise at least, breathing, moving: having an empty brain can make the difference during your day.

4)Don’t give up: now you are finally using your time, don’t give up!!! Don’t leave it and go back to your old habits...this may happen but please, reset your brain and start again!

5) Congratulate yourself: every single day look at you and congratulate yourself...use Kaizen way of thinking: do it day by day...not excited, not depressed, but BALANCED.

6) Acting not watching: if you like having a beer while you are watching a football match, it means that you love football. Why don’t you go to train yourself before dinner everyday, in order to be ready to play with your friends? Find an amateur football team and enjoy it!!! You will be healthy and happy!! Social life helps us!!

7)Switch off dish washer: You had your lunch now, you are full and feel breathed a lot today, new air, new feelings... Why should you stop then? Get up and wash your dishes, MOVING HELPS YOU!!

8)Planning: first day has gone, it is time to plan your next one....I love planning day by day, I can surprise myself!!!

9)Have a warm drink: Yeah...after all... Your body is tired for didn’t move like that since ages!!! Let’s make a warm relaxing drink and have it beside your lover, your dog or you alone...Muscles will relax and you can feel your energy restored.

10) Thanks: being grateful for every single moment of your day... Our life is a gift and we need to use it in the proper way... 

Thanks for reading!!! 

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Be the smallest, be the greatest.

Be the smallest, be the greatest.

"Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies." Mother Teresa

We live in a society where everyone is expecting something from somebody else, women are waiting their dream men, students pretend to pass the final test, our managers are waiting our sales results, our wives are waiting their anniversary gift... We are often disappointed about our expectations: women rarely find their dream men, not all the students are passing their final test and so on...
Being disappointed is not a good feeling for makes us unhappy and we can miss our goals....getting lost it is very easy..
This happens because we waste a lot of our precious time in pretending things we are not ready for.
Have you ever seen an Olympic game? Runners are very fit, they have 9-10 seconds for being the best in 100 mt. Distance.... Can they succeed without training? Answer is NO, THEY CANNOT! If you want to win the war, you need to fight with every enemy then!! Nobody gives you the land for free!!
We simply are lazy most of time, we don’t want and I write again DO NOT WANT  to be our greatest result.... We pretend to be but we don’t work hard enough!

How can we be our greatest result?

When I think about “greatest minds”, I can remember only last genius people, e.g.: Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Donald Trump ad so on.....
This happens because we recognize what they did...we use Iphone, PC with Windows 7 software, we read business news, ect...
These people made more than this, but we can remind just last few masterpieces they were able to do, because we are manipulated by media.
Using Internet, TV, Radio, we listen and watch to contents, which are made and selected by others...we are just using our brain, nothingelse...
These genius used also other parts of their body, like heart, spirit, intuition, all parts which are inside ourselves but we often forget...
Using them could be so easy, but we are afraid about our stupid daily questions...and we don’t have time and we find an excuse to postpone it...

These people were not born rich and famous, in the beginning they had nothing or better, they were not know...THEY WERE THE SMALLEST...
They worked day by day to build their Kingdoms, one brick each, in silence... They were even not appreciated in standard college, they were developing their ideas and plans in small garages or pubs, where they were working as kitchen help or many examples can we find like these??
Being the smallest is a big lesson for everyone of us... We learn to be silent and listen, to suffer and carry on our ideas, to settle down our frustrations, WE LEARN TO USE OUR POSITIVE MIND!!
We can be invisble and surprise others....
Steve Jobs were invited to talk, I have never seen him in the rumors... Same for Bill Gates, I heard only business talks about Donald Trump..
They don’t need to be visible, they are already!! 
Many people would like to be like them, or at least to learn their secrets...
But we cannot use “copy” and “paste” with them, they are original and most important “THEY HAD ORIGINAL IDEAS”, could you imagine yourself going to toilette connected to a social media which is showing what all your friends are doing?
Could you imagine to collect all the data in a 2 cm plastic stick?
Could you imagine to recover a destroyed company and become the richest man in the World?

THEY DID!!! Because they knew what being the smallest means!!!
Well, if we see, they are still the smallest, I don’t see them in TV everyday neither I heard about big sex scandals....


Thanks for sharing this

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Good management example

This is a real good management example, how to be competitive all time.

Article taken from following web site:

Is he the world’s most – to quote the film – awesome chief executive? To children, Jorgen Vig Knudstorp might just be.

PA: Jorgen Vig Knudstorp, like many staff at the London office clearly enjoys and believes in the product© PA Jorgen Vig Knudstorp, like many staff at the London office clearly enjoys and believes in the product
The 46-year-old Danish economist is known as “the man who saved Lego”, having turned around what was a loss making company suffering a severe case of over-reach.

He’s now riding the crest of a wave. Last year saw a 10 per cent rise in sales to 25.4bn kroner (£2.5bn) when the toy market as a whole was shrinking (slightly).

“What I found I joined was an incredibly enthusiastic, completely engaged company. For me the deduction was that it’s not about the brand, it’s not about the product, it’s because we’re not managing it well. Our strategy was to focus on the strength of the brick and get out of things where we’re not world class,” he explains.

“What basically happens is that when a company becomes great, and I’m being a bit rude here, people think they’re some kind of genius. So now we can move into all sorts of other businesses because the net, bottom line is, it’s because we’re just geniuses. They become overconfident and expand too far.”

But isn’t there danger of that happening again? After all, Lego is everywhere at the moment. Shoppers in yesterday’s unseemly Black Friday ruck could buy Lego DVDs, video games, clothes, clocks, stationary, books, even toys.

“I wouldn’t say it’s over-reach,” he says. “The big difference is that when someone makes a Lego movie, someone makes a computer game, it’s not us. It’s people who are world class in doing that. Yes we are moving through other people into some spaces where it might make sense. But we’re just not doing it ourselves.

“Where we are spreading ourselves is in geographic terms and that’s a challenge many companies can recognise. Life gets a little more complex.”

Fortunately for Lego, and the family that owns it, Mr Knudstorp also turned around the company’s logistics, as well as vastly expanding the range of its core offering. “At the time we didn’t have, for example, many Lego City sets and they weren’t selling that well. Today we have a huge range.

“In many turnarounds you’ll, say, have people in shipping and they’ll move into aerospace,  and that’s the turnaround. We haven’t done that. We haven’t changed the brand, and that’s unusual. We’ve had no change of control, no acquisitions, but we’ve continued to grow for more than 80 years. For a company, that’s very far at the end of the probability distribution.”

Is this relentless focus on plastic bricks a lesson he learned while at Mr McKinsey, the management consultancy where he earned his spurs? “Well I certainly saw a lot of companies,” he says. That holy brand is impossible to escape at the new offices. Instead of bowls of sweets in the meeting rooms, there are bowls of bricks you can build with. The executives’ business cards are little Lego mini-figures made in their image (although they have the regular cardboard kind too).

Dotted here and there are various one-off creations – Shakespeare’s Globe is a particular favourite – and bricks, bricks, bricks.

One of the criticisms Lego has faced is that all this branding, combined with a vast range of increasingly intricate kits, is stifling children’s creativity rather than encouraging it. Mr Knudstorp likens it to “playing the piano”. That might sound a bit of a reach, but he explains: “You can play at many levels. You can just hammer the keys as may kids like to do. You can learn to look at the keys and then really play a beautiful piece of music that others have written. Or you can eventually become a virtuoso and play your own. Lego allows all levels of complexity. But a child can do their own thing at any level. They can built a pirate ship, for example, and then mash it up with completely different things.”

It must be awesome for his kids. “Well, now the oldest is 13 and he’s into soccer, he cannot believe I’m not going to be the CEO of Adidas or something.”

All the staff at Lego’s London HQ – I also speak to Samuel Johnson who famously wrote a letter asking how to become a designer while a child, and then successfully followed that kit’s instructions – seem starry eyed about the company they work for. Fans as much as staff.

Why London, though? It can’t be for the capital market – Lego doesn’t need it. And the “no acquisitions” policy isn’t changing (bad luck, corporate financiers).

“We wanted these global main offices in all parts of the world. We wanted another in Europe, and London was the clear winner in all the places we looked, which were Prague, Paris, Amsterdam, Munich. They are great metropolitan areas but they don’t have the diversity that London has.

“Here we get gender diversity, functional diversity and national diversity. Children of all nations can go to school in London, and that’s more difficult in many parts of Europe. There are also more women in management than in many parts of Europe.”

Lego has some way to go itself here, with just three women among its top 25. ‘We’re on a journey. Ultimately our objective is a balanced gender composition,” says Mr Knudstorp, firmly.

Diversity as a virtue, and a source of strength. That’s not a message that is finding much currency in parts of modern Britain. Mr Knudstorp’s message – and his colleagues’ – says that, to quote The Lego Movie again, it’s awesome. Perhaps we should listen to him.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Manage your Manager

Manage your Manager

Working hard is not enough, from the lowest to the highest positions, we have to cooperate and help each other, in order to get the best outcome.
Being a co-worker is not easy, you need to carry on everyday, under pressure, according to strict deadlines and small budgets...we need to be proactive, problem solver, creative, no exception can be accepted.
This is co-worker basic duties....what about being a Manager?
Managers are facing these days so many things, we cannot even imagine...
First of all, they need to manage all bureaucracy documentation, e.g. Invoices, statement of account, letter of credit, and more.. They also need to check every single thing we are doing, as they are “managing” our workplace.
They need most of all to motivate their staff, good manager trusts on good co-workers and never leave them alone in the darkness.
Carrying on all these stressful duties, surrounded by such an hard economic time can be very hard..for us but more than ever for them.
We don’t think about this during our workday, we love our work and our duties, but we care only about our small table and laptop, or our Van side... Especially during such stressful times like end of the year or before Summer holidays...
This bring our manager to explode hurts us, because it is not easy to manage stressful situation as well as stressed Manager.. If we cannot handle this situation, it can bring us under very bad light...

How can we manage our Manager?

1) Don’t feed the fire: Your manager comes and shouts... If you reply to him, how can you pretend to be understood? He has just shown you his very weak side...stress management... Be silent and understand him...then go there and show him some solutions, work in cooperation with him...he wants and help not a judge!!

2) Respect his positiongood co-worker recognizes the positions... He is higher than you and represent his own company, never forget that you are his co-worker not his associate...ask him, show him good solution...don’t give him advice unless he is asking you... Let him feeling comfortable with you.

3) Be honest: when you do a mistake just walk to him and apologize..don’t be a child, he is not your father and he can’t understand you totally, as he is not in charge of it!!! You are his help not his limit!!! Be a man/woman and be responsible, he can then trust on you.

4) Respect his rules: every serious office has a behaviour code, especially regarding shift time, dress, project management and more... RESPECT THEM!! small things matter!!

5) Smile not laughing: Ilike being very funny but it was not appreciated, especially during working shift.... You have your friends, your life out of your job...there you can you are working, focus on this! Smile is always a good way to show your work satisfaction.

6) Be professional: I will write my next blog post about this... Being professional is a lifestyle, you need to think, act and look professional... Work like this were your company

7) How are you today? This is a good question, he can feel you bit more closer, you can build a good relationship, it shows him that you are interested about his person not only the monthly wage

8) Listen to him: Managers don’t have so much time.. If you are lucky to have a good heart manager, please listen to his words... He never comes to waste his precious time... If you hear and don’t listen, he will see it... Be careful

9) Be strong: Managers use to test their manager will teaze you sometime, he needs to see how you react...don’t lose your self-confidence, which means don’t lose yourself!!! Show him your strength... React but don’t move too much, just speak easy.

10) ACCEPT: You can be a rebel or a very passive person, nevermind, there will always be something youdon’t agree you are working not discussing..he decides, he pays you and he will evaluate your work... Once again accept him, as it is...don’t complain, it won’t help...don’t shout, it will destroy yourself...if your idea is better, well, demonstrate him that you are right.. If he is clever (as I think) he will thank you.

Thanks for reading, 


Saturday, November 22, 2014

Let your river flow

Let your river flow

“Sometimes, we are so attached to our way of life that we turn down wonderful opportunities simply because don't know what to do with it.” 
― Paulo CoelhoLike the Flowing River

Everyday we leave the past and begin something new, since we open our eyes and see what's in front of us, we should than be used to new challenges, new people and new life styles....
Every citizen of the World was used to travel to another city, another country almost everyday, using caravan, horses, like Gipsies used to do nowadays, because we were all gipsies in the past.

This is the human nature, how our life should be, there are no nations, no boarders, Worlds is not my own property, it is our all property.

Quote mentioned above was taken from a marvellous book written by Paulo Coelho' genius hands, which simply explains how can we be ready for our time if we are still attached to our old habits.
It is incredible, we change everyday and we are still not able to accept it!!

How can we be ready to catch our train?

1) Be ready for the best: we spend so much time focusing on our problems, our bad times, we call friends and explain everything...bla bla bla...we go down and we call another one again..bla bla bla..and again and again.... what's the result?? WE ARE DOWN AND BECOME TOTALLY UNCONFIDENT!! Now, try to focus on the good things happening during your day....
Is your car broken? Maybe it is the time to check it!
Did your girlfriend leave you? Maybe she was not the right one!!
Was your manager bad to you? Maybe you didn't behave as he expected, tomorrow will be better!!!
Every single thing brings benefits!!

2) Motivate yourself: If you wait other people to motivate you, you can stand there 10 years then!!
You are your motivation, fight for your life, don't be scared, if you don't cathc your train, someonelse will do it!! You go down once, you go down twice, you can go down everyday MOST IMPORTANT IS YOU GET UP!!! Be the warrior you want to see, let the river flows, wath it and think how to act, plan your day, step by step.

3) See your goal: Michelangelo Buonarroti was one of the best Italian genius ever, when they asked him "How did you manage to create David" He replied "It is easy, I imagined him in the stone and take the rest out"... Your goal dones't depend only on your imagination but also on you way to see the things...if Michelangelo didn't think like that he probably could never be whom he was....
Plan your goal, if you want to be a runner, see yourself everyday 10 meters further not 10 meters back.
I work in sales and this is my daily meal, I need to see my goal, I meet everyday new prospects and they use to decline my offers 90% of times... no problem, I saw my goal in them, maybe I will adjust my focus, how I speak, everything is up to how we think, our feelings are our thoughts!

4)Be faithful:  Believing in yourself or in your thoughts is the key to reach your goal, this is proven and we all know it... if you don't believe in your skills or in your words, everything you do or say will be weak and uncertain, the message you deliver will be unclear and people around you will not know how wonderful you are! Believing and be faithful are 2 verbs walking together on the same way...
If you don't believe in somebody bigger or something bigger (this is up to your choices and culture), you will always see the World and your life from a lower step. We need to be higher than our problems and see them from an upper side, in order to manage them!!

Thanks everyone for reading it!!!

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Communicate Yourself

Communicate yourself

Nowadays is very important to communicate, the message is becoming even more important than the content.
In case you don’t agree with me, let’s analyze yourself:
Do you have Facebook account?
Do you have Linkedin account?
Do you have Twitter account?
Do you have Instagram account?

Now, tell me: what are you using them for?
I am sure almost 85% of you are saying “I DON’T KNOW!”, 8 % are saying “TO BE IN CONTACT WITH PEOPLE FARAWAY” 5% are saying “FOR BUSINESS PURPOSE”.

How many times are you logging in? 5-6 times a day?
How often do you call friends you have in your social account? Twice a week?
How often do you meet them? Once a week? Even, once a month?

OK, you can agree with me now, WORDS ARE BECOMING MORE IMPORTANT THAN CONTENTS... We are living our relationship, friendship, or whatever connected via internet, via social media...SOCIAL means being in SOCIETY, not standing alone in the desert!!
Have you ever checked your social media image? 
It seems impossible but YOUR IMAGE SHOWS YOURSELF...lies don’t have long life in internet, see this example:
You post a fake image of yourself, people believe you for couple of days...if you don’t show your actions or other images you look certainly fake, when you publish something in internet billion of users can see you...
If you do the same in the real life, you know for sure less than 1 million people.

Same happens when you post something in your wall, let’s see this example:
You post some shit pictures, because “IT IS YOUR LIFE AND YOU ARE FREE TO DO IT!!”... You look for a job the day after, you apply for a good vacant position.
CEO receives your CV and says “Look , this guy looks handsome, such experience, that’s good for us..but let me check how he manages himself, does he have social media account?”
He looks for your facebook account and...that’s it..your picture is showing your drunk face smoking with 2 seems cool for you but he will never call you for that job!!!
You can do the same mistake when you post many other contents...
Let’s see my suggestion to give the right COMMUNICATION OF YOURSELF:

1) Be real: Post your real thoughts, not fake pictures or other cool things you on’t like to.

2) Be neutral: don’t post politics ideal, religious ideal, sexual ideal, in my oipinion we are all free but when you post keep in mind that you are publishing yourself.
If you discriminate and ideal, you are cutting off all people thinking different, this can be very dangerous for yourself

3) Be clean: clean image always gives to other people a good feeling, first of all this gives you a good idea of yourself and makes you feel better.

4) Don’t spoil everything: Now you have cleaned up your wall, your image...don’t post shit status like: I hate this, that... We are all facing hard times or troubles during our life, but social media surely cannot hear your or be your best friend.

5) Have a good time with friends: Social media cannot be your best friend as I said above, you should use them for good purpose, they may help you to be in touch with your friends and meet new ones!! This means call your friends and plan a night out or create a group in facebook and plan it!!

Thanks for reading it!!!

Friday, November 14, 2014

Being your best product

Being your best product

“Get going. Move forward. Aim High. Plan a takeoff. Don't just sit on the runway and hope someone will come along and push the airplane. It simply won't happen. Change your attitude and gain some altitude. Believe me, you'll love it up here.” 
― Donald Trump

We choose what to eat, what to drink, even what we smell...every day we make choices, they more or less change our life...using even different fragrance makes us feeling another person...
It means that our actions are leading our life, better, our daily life.

How do we choose a product?

We go, see and pick up,... we like good deals, nice package, good advertisment....everything is just going around our positive emotions, we never buy negative products...
We would never choose "something makes us fat" or "something makes us feeling worse",,,,,
These products are used by us, they belong to us, they become us or beter, we become them...
We are the same naked everyday (maybe fatter or fitter), if we wear an high class suit we feel elegant, smart...when we wear an easy going t-shirt we feel easy...that's very simple!!

What about if we were our products?

We think to be good in picking up products, we decide in few seconds...our emotions are strictly connected to images we see and that's it! deal done!!
Have you ever tried to be the product you should choose?

I don't think we try to do this.... but we do it everyday, we sell our ideas every single moments of our life.
When we choose our future house, we try to show to our partner the best sides and make feeling him wondered about what we see, WE TRY TO SELL IT!!
When we talk to our son and explain him this school is better than another one, we show him his future, his prospective, WE TRY TO SELL IT!
Ok, Ok.....we are so good to sell our things to other people....but how can we promote ourself??

1) Talk good be good:  We are what we say, if we say "I am bad" I am automatically digging my own pit.... I will see my self as BAD and I will show my IMAGE bad to others around me.
We have only one choice: TALK GOOD TO OURSELF!!

2) Be your sales consultant:  Try to imagine you walking in a shop and asking advices to a sales consultant, it is not an easy job for sure. How would you like to be suggested? Imagine that you are your personal shopper, you need to drive yourself to good choices in freedom...

3) Practice, practice, practice: “If people knew how hard I had to work to gain my mastery, it would not seem so wonderful at all.” 
― Michelangelo Buonarroti
Sometime we like to take the shortcut, we think everything should be easier or quicker...NO, NO, NO..there is nothing better than hard working....when you suffer and work hard you really give the best you have!!! When you give the best you have everything around you starts matching.... call it magic moment, luck, what you prefer but you did soemthing to make it happen!!

Waiting you comments!!!suggestiongs are welcome!!
thanks for reading it!!!

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Positive Magnet

Positive Magnet

“Of all the judgments we pass in life, none is more important than the judgment we pass on ourselves.” 
― Nathaniel Branden

Today was not the best day of my working life, everything seemed to go wrong...
When you work in sales, it is very easy to destroy your day, following to the rules I try to apply to my everyday life:

Though = Words
Words= Actions
Actions= Feelings

People feels immediately what you are feeling, let's see this example:

Today I called a customer, I had a very positive feeling when I heard him the first time, my brain was expecting something good... I showed him all my cards but he didn't want to play at all...
First rule in sales is to listen to what customer says and give him what he really wants...
It may happen that customer is not interested in what you are offering, even if you ask all the questions you can ...NO WAY.
This is normal, the more you try the more you this case I got bit down...this is not good...
Next call was even worse...this time customer chose our competitor because they had better deal....
I really got down and I felt lost....which is not good at all...

3 rules were working: Bad Thought = bad words to myself --> Bad Words=Bad actions--> Bad Actions= Bad Feelings --> BAD FEELINGS=BAD JUDGMENT.


It means that in few minutes the idea I had of myself completely changed, from VERY GOOD to VERY BAD.
We need to be able to manage this feeling, BEING A POSITIVE MAGNET means to attract what good feelings you can generate from your heart.

How can we be a positive magnet?

1) Today is a great day:  2 phone calls cannot make your day...remember you are the manager of your day!! Think about the more you try the more you get, one customer lost =  10 potential customers found, JUST KEEP ON!!

2) Your mistake = Your lesson: Try to think about how much you learnt from your cannot be a good sales man, a good man, a good father or whatelse without making mistakes, MISTAKES ARE THE BEST LESSONS FOR OUR LIFE!! Being thankful for this magic thing!!

3)Being positive as a choice:  You chose to be happy, because it is free, it makes you feel better...if you let bad thoughts or experiences to lead yourself, you will never know yourself till the end.
You are your day, your life, your decide where to take your sould and your spirit everyday....Choose a great place then!!!HAPPY PLACE!!

4)Doubt of yourself, you will be a better person:  There is nothing wrong to doubt of ourself, our thoughts... you can ask yourself, you can discover the reason why you doubt of yourself...MOST IMPORTANT YOU CAN START CHANGING!!! Our life is an ongoing movement, if you stand and wait how can you receive soemthing? You produce what you get, nobody can be a complete person without experienceing the doubt option...You will go through it and you will be stronger!!

5)Never give up!!!  We are warrior of the light, we need to keep our light switched on even when we are down or our energy is low...DON'T LET OTHERS TAKE YOUR ENERGIES!!! Be the change you want to see!!!