Be the smallest, be the greatest.
"Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies." Mother Teresa
We live in a society where everyone is expecting something from somebody else, women are waiting their dream men, students pretend to pass the final test, our managers are waiting our sales results, our wives are waiting their anniversary gift... We are often disappointed about our expectations: women rarely find their dream men, not all the students are passing their final test and so on...
Being disappointed is not a good feeling for makes us unhappy and we can miss our goals....getting lost it is very easy..
This happens because we waste a lot of our precious time in pretending things we are not ready for.
Have you ever seen an Olympic game? Runners are very fit, they have 9-10 seconds for being the best in 100 mt. Distance.... Can they succeed without training? Answer is NO, THEY CANNOT! If you want to win the war, you need to fight with every enemy then!! Nobody gives you the land for free!!
We simply are lazy most of time, we don’t want and I write again DO NOT WANT to be our greatest result.... We pretend to be but we don’t work hard enough!
How can we be our greatest result?
When I think about “greatest minds”, I can remember only last genius people, e.g.: Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Donald Trump ad so on.....
This happens because we recognize what they did...we use Iphone, PC with Windows 7 software, we read business news, ect...
These people made more than this, but we can remind just last few masterpieces they were able to do, because we are manipulated by media.
Using Internet, TV, Radio, we listen and watch to contents, which are made and selected by others...we are just using our brain, nothingelse...
These genius used also other parts of their body, like heart, spirit, intuition, all parts which are inside ourselves but we often forget...
Using them could be so easy, but we are afraid about our stupid daily questions...and we don’t have time and we find an excuse to postpone it...
These people were not born rich and famous, in the beginning they had nothing or better, they were not know...THEY WERE THE SMALLEST...
They worked day by day to build their Kingdoms, one brick each, in silence... They were even not appreciated in standard college, they were developing their ideas and plans in small garages or pubs, where they were working as kitchen help or many examples can we find like these??
Being the smallest is a big lesson for everyone of us... We learn to be silent and listen, to suffer and carry on our ideas, to settle down our frustrations, WE LEARN TO USE OUR POSITIVE MIND!!
We can be invisble and surprise others....
Steve Jobs were invited to talk, I have never seen him in the rumors... Same for Bill Gates, I heard only business talks about Donald Trump..
They don’t need to be visible, they are already!!
Many people would like to be like them, or at least to learn their secrets...
But we cannot use “copy” and “paste” with them, they are original and most important “THEY HAD ORIGINAL IDEAS”, could you imagine yourself going to toilette connected to a social media which is showing what all your friends are doing?
Could you imagine to collect all the data in a 2 cm plastic stick?
Could you imagine to recover a destroyed company and become the richest man in the World?
THEY DID!!! Because they knew what being the smallest means!!!
Well, if we see, they are still the smallest, I don’t see them in TV everyday neither I heard about big sex scandals....
Thanks for sharing this
You have such an interesting blog. Thanks for sharing, I enjoyed reading your posts. All the best for your future blogging journey.